Ralph Sherwood, curator at the Janet Frame House in Oamaru
with "Violet Pansy Proudlock"
VPP - whose initials can also stand for "Very Pampered Pussycat" -
is a frequent visitor to 56 Eden Street,
and in typical feline fashion,
certainly acts as though she owns the place.
The moniker "Violet Pansy Proudlock"
comes from a name Janet Frame invented for one of the characters
in her novel Living in the Maniototo.
How can one donate to the Janet Frame house?
The Trust that looks after the Janet Frame House would be very glad of donations! One way to help them is to join the "Friends of the Janet Frame House" (email jfestrust@gmail.com) or go to www.givealittle.co.nz and donate under "The Friends of the Janet Frame House". You can also send a donation direct to JANET FRAME EDEN STREET TRUST, PO BOX 180, OAMARU. The Eden Street Trust is a registered charity with the NZ Charities Commission and so all donations are tax deductible.
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