Monday, January 25, 2010

Janet Frame on Charity

"I do believe and I hope I carry out the belief that civilised, constructive acts should never finish - that if one is done to me I must continue it by trying to help someone else. Whether this is an attempt to be unselfish or to salve my conscience I don't know."

(Letter to Charles Brasch, 9 August 1969)

The above is among the many insights to be found in a tribute volume Janet Frame's executors have compiled in order to commemorate the centenary of Charles Brasch.

The text is drawn mostly from the letters between Janet and Charles, but also quotes from their poems written for each other, and from autobiography and journal entries and other letters.

Charles Brasch was a poet, editor, patron and philanthropist, and was a close friend of Janet Frame's.

Available soon, in a fine edition, from Holloway Press:

Dear Charles, Dear Janet: Frame & Brasch in Correspondence

Edited by Pamela Gordon & Denis Harold

Holloway Press (2010)


Brenton said...

Hi Pamela,
I was so interested to read about the Holloway Press. I was not familiar with it at all. Do you know when the new book will be published?

Pamela Gordon said...

There is no firm date for publication yet Brenton - the process was delayed because the printer had to work on another project.

I will give plenty of warning on this blog, but you can also pre-order a copy by contacting Holloway Press.