Thursday, June 23, 2016

Goldfish bones

Huesos de Jilguero (Universidad Veracruzana, 2015) is a selection of poems by Janet Frame in Spanish translation, published by the University of Veracruz, Mexico, with various translators. It's a bilingual edition (216 pages) and the poems are chosen from both of Janet Frame's poetry collections The Pocket Mirror and The Goose Bath.

Here is the link to the publisher' website.

Here's a blog review of the book (in Spanish).

There was earlier this year a literary panel on the subject of the book at FILU 2016:

13:00 a 14:00 horas,
Presentación del libro Huesos de jilguero. Antología poética, de Janet Frame, editado por la UV
Participan: Nair Anaya y Camila Krauss. Modera: Nina Crangle

And another event.

Looks like you can buy it online here.
The title "Bones of the goldfinch" has been taken from Janet Frame's poem 'Goldfinch' first published in The Goose Bath ten years ago in 2006.
Here are the last two stanzas of the poem:

My goldfinch
bones like wires growing
yellow paper flowers
threaded light like a bead in his eye

his beak hissing
for the fresh air
–Lift the roof O my child
and trust the sky.


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