Sunday, February 14, 2010

Janet gets a Brazilian

... and a Norwegian.

Copies of the latest two translations of Towards Another Summer have arrived on my desk this week.

RUMA A OUTRO VERAO ~ Editora Planeta, Brasil

MOT EN NY SOMER - Forlaget Oktober

To my knowledge this is the first Brazilian edition of a Janet Frame novel.

Inside the front cover of the Norwegian edition, some of the glittering reviews for Towards Another Summer are quoted:


cindy said...


I have discovered something which may be of interest to you: the newspaper clipping fom which Frame derived her description of the gravity star!

Follow the link:,519152

Pamela Gordon said...

Thanks Cindy - I bet that fans of THE CARPATHIANS will be thrilled to follow that link. I'm lucky enough to have access to the original clipping - Janet kept it!