Thursday, December 14, 2017

"Una gemma" (a gem): Janet Frame's poems in Italian

2017 marks 50 years since the release of the only book of poems that Janet Frame published in her lifetime: The Pocket Mirror (New York, 1967). Perhaps the publication of a book of her poems in Italian translation has been the most appropriate way to celebrate that golden anniversary.

Parleranno le tempeste (Storms will tell) is a beautifully designed and presented volume of selected poems by Janet Frame, translated into Italian by Francesca Benocci and Eleonora Bello, and published by Gabriele Capelli Editore (2017).

If you can understand Italian, read on! Here are four of the poems:

There has been a warm reception in the Italian-speaking world for Parleranno le tempeste, with plenty of reviews and notices. Here is a selection (see the publisher's web page for more links):

Remarkably readable, one, ten, a hundred times: it will always be read anew, fresh, like her “icicles”.

A gem. (Luisa Debenedetti)
Sorprendentemente leggibile, una, dieci, cento volte: sarà sempre una lettura fresca, come i suoi "ghiaccioli".
Una gemma. (Luisa Debenedetti)

 But one could say much more, because Parleranno le tempeste surely is a precious gem in the overcrowded landscape of italophone publishing. (Daniele Bernardi)

 Ma si potrebbe dire altro, perché Parleranno le tempeste è certo una gemma preziosa nel sovraffollato panorama dell’editoria italofona. (Daniele Bernardi)

Anna Toscano reads 'The Icicles' for La Rivista Intelligente (I loved hearing her recite it, even though I can't speak the language, I recognize the poem that I know so well.)

La libraia virtuale "This small, precious volume..."

Giornale del Popolo, 02.12.2017
La scoperta di Janet Frame
di Gilberto Isella

© Leggere tutti, n. 117, dicembre 2017
Janet Frame, poetessa delle contraddizioni umane
Recensione di Niccolò Lucarelli

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