Sunday, December 31, 2017

RIP Sheila Natusch nee Traill

"One out of the box."

Farewell Sheila. She was a good friend of Janet's and after Janet's death she became a friend of mine too.  I  looked forward to visiting her at her marvellous little cottage up a steep hill at Owhiro Bay, Wellington, that one reached by ascending in a private cable car. More recently, we caught up by phone and mail. Her letters were almost as exciting as Janet's own letters, full of enclosures and drawings and collages and small surprises.

 As Janet had also done, Sheila seemed to have escaped feeling any obligation whatsoever to the ridiculous conventions that keep nice middleclass people in line. A true individual. My condolences to her friends and family.

The film  of her life that premiered this year is very good - it is illuminating, entertaining and inspiring:

No Ordinary Sheila

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