Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Italian Owls

A foreign parcel arrived today bearing paperback copies of Gridano i gufi which is the latest Italian edition of Janet Frame's first published novel Owls Do Cry (1957).

This new edition is published by Neri Pozza. Funny it should arrive today, on March the 23rd, which is Frank Sargeson's birthday. Frank was the hospitable older NZ writer who offered Janet Frame a place to live while she wrote the novel in 1955.

«Una storia che fa letteralmente mancare il fiato, raccontata senza un briciolo di reticenza ma con grande sapienza letteraria ed elevato spirito poetico».

~ Corriere della Sera

«È tra la parola e il silenzio, inteso come esperienza suprema del possibile, che si gioca l’esperienza narrativa di Janet Frame».

~ Maurizio Bartocci, Il manifesto

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